The Urban Oasis and the Greater Mondawmin Coordinating Council (GMCC) are looking for talented artists and graphic designers to help us create posters and social media posts to get the word out and to encourage the participants of our 1st annual community 5k/fun run, "Races for The Oasis"!
If you are a student at ConneXions or Baltimore Design School, you may create up to two (2) social media posts to share race information, and one (1) poster design to encourage participants during our upcoming Races for The Oasis 5k. Submission of these designs will be for service credit hours (up to 9 hours/ 3 hours per design).
ONE SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN MUST BE 1080 X 1350px (instagram portrait) and
THE OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN MUST BE 1080 X 1920px (Instagram Story)
AND THE POSTER DESIGN MUST BE 7200 X 10800px at 300dpi (24" x 36" poster)
You may use any medium to create your designs, but the final design must be submitted as a digital file upload.
Your design MUST include the Races for The Oasis logo and the words "Races for The Oasis" in it, even if they are not the main focus of the design.
Here is a list of themes we are exploring for this event:
- Community
- Health & Wellness
- The Maryland Zoo
- Accessibility
- Environmental Connectivity
- Running & Walking
- Togetherness
Click on the paperclip icon below to download files to help with your design:
- The "Designers Wanted" flyer with all of the race information
- The Races for The Oasis Flyer
- the Races for The Oasis logo
- The main color palette codes used for The Urban Oasis
- The Urban Oasis logo (in various colors)
- The Greater Mondawmin Coordinating Council logo
- The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore logo
- The Blue Cheetah Sports Timing logo
You can also explore the race registration page to learn more, or contact us at theuobaltimore@gmail.com
And don't forget to follow The Urban Oasis on Instagram (@the_urbanoasis) or Facebook (@The Urban Oasis Baltimore) to see your designs featured on our pages!
A call for artists from ConneXions and Baltimore Design School

Ready to Upload your design(s)?:
Complete the form below to submit your design.